3. Promote a City of Opportunities
It’s urgent to promote social equality, contributing to an improvement of life conditions of population in particular form Developing Countries. To disseminate glocally the good practices at a social level is the key to guarantee Social Justice. Therefore, a Glocal Municipality must:
:: Promote better access to people with any kind of disabilities;
:: Promote social projects which, on the one hand, encourage the integration of elderly in the society and, on the other hand, promotes parenthood and family;
:: Promote lifelong learning opportunities;
:: Support and integrate disadvantaged citizens;
:: Promote intercultural dialogue and support migrant communities;
:: Assure to its citizens free access to culture and information.
Without having a universal expression, Social Justice will not be a reality nor a basis for the values and principles of Human Dignity. Being able to give a positive response to the wishes, concerns, and needs of everyone is a challenge that all municipalities need to do glocally. In Developed and Developing countries, Municipalities should focus on creating a true city of opportunities.
:: Cities for Ative Inclusion :: http://www.eurocities-nlao.eu/
:: LAACTSA :: http://www.actsa.org/index.php
:: Inclusion europe :: http://inclusion-europe.org/
:: CSR Europe :: http://www.csreurope.org/
:: European Disability Forum :: http://www.edf-feph.org/
:: Networking for Development :: http://www.redesparaodesenvolvimento.org/en/home
:: CITIDEP :: http://www.citidep.pt/index.html