Saturday, 27 July 2024


Through the matrix, the ranking system will be activated with each good practice, adopted by the municipality within the 5 goals, receiving a star. The online system, visible to anyone who visits the website, will highlight the municipality as a living force that tries to ensure glocal economic, social and environmental sustainability.
To each goal, there is a symbol that will appear according to the number of goals that is achieved by the municipalities.
Take up a Local Pledge
Communicate for Development - Municipality 2.0
Promote a City of Opportunities
Create an Inclusive Economy
Manage Urban Ecology

Through the matrix, the ranking system will be activated with each good practice, adopted by the municipality within the 5 goals, receiving a star. The online system, visible to anyone who visits the website, will highlight the municipality as a living force that tries to ensure glocal economic, social and environmental sustainability.  

To each goal, there is a symbol that will appear according to the number of goals that is achieved by the municipalities. 

IconCaneta Take up a Local Pledge

IconMegafone_2 Communicate for Development - Municipality 2.0

IconJanela_2 Promote a City of Opportunities

IconMundo Create an Inclusive Economy

IconVentoinhas Manage Urban Ecology

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Municipalities Adhering


July - 2024
