Saturday, 14 September 2024



The Goal: promote a Sustainable City
Until May 2014, Go Local partners will ensure that the Campaign Go Local: Towards a Sustainable City is an added value to the work already done by Municipalities, integrating them in a network with other existent initiatives, disseminating and sharing good practices, and giving them increased visibility.
Cities are true clusters of innovation, creativity and economic growth and can be role models of good practices, building a network of glocal Municipalities all over the world.
Can you  imagine a Municipality…
• That promotes policies, programmes and services that will support a more sustainable future to the citizens,
• That integrates international questions in the local agenda,
• Where citizens find answers to their needs and where they participate in the decisions that affect them,
• With global conscience, committed to Sustainable Development and active in the promotion of Social Justice.
We can imagine, and we will make it real! We believe in your Municipality. Join us!

The campaign

The campaign Go Local: Towards a Sustainable City aims to raise awareness and mobilise the Municipalities and citizens to changes in policies and practices towards Social Justice, Inclusive Economy and Sustainable Development. A path of inclusion, values promotion, and involvement of several stakeholders, that contributes to the territories’ future.


The Goal: promote a Sustainable City

Until May 2014, Go Local partners will ensure that the Campaign Go Local: Towards a Sustainable City is an added value to the work already done by Municipalities, integrating them in a network with other existent initiatives, disseminating and sharing good practices, and giving them increased visibility.

Cities are true clusters of innovation, creativity and economic growth and can be role models of good practices, building a network of glocal Municipalities all over the world.


Can you  imagine a Municipality?

That promotes policies, programmes and services that will support a more sustainable future to the citizens;
That integrates international questions in the local agenda;
Where citizens find answers to their needs and where they participate in the decisions that affect them;
With global conscience, committed to Sustainable Development and active in the promotion of Social Justice.

We can, and we will make it real! We believe in your Municipality. Join us!



If you want more information on the Project please download the leaflet.



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Municipalities Adhering


September - 2024
