Saturday, 27 July 2024

More than two thirds of the European population lives in urban areas. Cities are  places where both problems emerge and solutions are found. They are fertile ground for science and technology, for culture and innovation, for individual and collective creativity, and for mitigating the impact of climate change...

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The European Year of Citizens 2013 will focus on rights that every EU citizen has. All 500 million Europeans benefit daily from these rights – as does the European economy.

The European Year will encourage dialogue at all levels of government, civil society and business, to explore where you – as citizen – want the EU to be by 2020 – in terms of rights, policies and governance...

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The Campaign Go Local: Towards a Sustainable City aims to encourage Portuguese, Spanish and Bulgarian Municipalities to follow a road of sustainability and support them to be an active voice in Development at a Glocal level. Only then, it will be possible to give an efficient, effective and legitimate answer to the challenges and opportunities with which communities and nations all over the world are faced.

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Municipalities Adhering


July - 2024
