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Go Local trainings on Sustainable Development in Bulgaria

In the end of February (20-21 and 27-28 february), the National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria has organized two Go Local trainings devoted to the sustainable development. The trainings have been organized in the city of Plovdiv in south central of Bulgaria.

There were it total about 60 participants from 23 BG municipalities and the matter sustainable development was dividee into 6 thematic subtitles:
  • SD globally;
  • Integrated urban development plans, local economic development and tourism;
  • Energy effectiveness and social housing;
  • Social problems and minorities; 
  • Intermunicipal cooperation.
The participants learned about the principles and good practices of Sustainable Development, but had also a group work with practical cases to decide and interesting discussions. The most interesting for them were interesting examples from European countries and worldwide confirming the implementation Sustainable Development in practice.


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Municipalities Adhering


July - 2024
