Saturday, 27 July 2024

Manage Urban Ecology

5. Manage Urban Ecology
Current pressure on cities demands the improvement and introduction of new environmental management practices at local level, trying to fight climate change through an eco-efficient behaviour. Climate Change has a glocal effect, with a more significant impact on millions of people in Developing Countries. In a collective effort, the Glocal Municipality must:
Support renewable energy as well as energy efficiency certification equipment’s;
Use adequate equipment for water consumption reduction and efficiency;
Prevent residues production and promote its separation, recollection, transport and treatment, supporting R’s policy implementation: Reduce, Reuse, Rethink, Repair and Recycle;
Promote and create conditions to the existence of more sustainable mobility habits;
Promote open green spaces, respect and protect local species;
Privilege the use of organic products as well as local/national production.
Existe uma evidente ligação, embora que por vezes complexa, entre a erradicação da pobreza e a melhor manutenção e preservação do bem comum ambiental. Os benefícios globais da preservação de ecossistemas são já comprovados por uma série de estudos e os benefícios que advêm dessa preservação são fundamentais ao bem-estar das suas comunidades. Falar de ambiente é falar de economia, de produção, de comércio, de educação, de tecnologia, de mobilidade e de saúde. Esta intersecção de setores deve ser entendida e promovida de forma coerente e alinhada com os objetivos de Desenvolvimento. A promoção do bem-estar das comunidades globais assenta na adoção de novos comportamentos ambientais, económicos e socias. Assenta sobretudo na promoção e implementação de políticas verdadeiramente sustentáveis.
Fair Trade Towns ::


5. Manage Urban Ecology

Current pressure on cities demands the improvement and introduction of new environmental management practices at local level, trying to fight climate change through an eco-efficient behaviour. Climate Change has a glocal effect, with a more significant impact on millions of people in Developing Countries.

In a collective effort, the Glocal Municipality must: 

:: Support renewable energy as well as energy efficiency certification equipment’s;

:: Use adequate equipment for water consumption reduction and efficiency;

:: Prevent residues production and promote its separation, recollection, transport and treatment, supporting R’s policy implementation: Reduce, Reuse, Rethink, Repair and Recycle;

:: Promote and create conditions to the existence of more sustainable mobility habits;

:: Promote open green spaces, respect and protect local species;

:: Privilege the use of organic products as well as local/national production.



There is a clear connection between poverty erradication and environment conservation. The global benefits of ecosystems conservation were already proved by a series of studies and the benefits that come from that conservation are essential to communities wellbeing. Talking about environment is to talk about economy, production, trade, education, technology, mobility and health. This interaction among sectors must be understood and promoted in a coherent and aligned way with the Millennium Development Goals. The promotion of global communities wellbeing should be based in the adoption of new behaviors. But it mainly should be based in the promotion and implementation of truly sustainable policies.

:: UNEP ::
:: WEF ::
:: C40Cities ::
:: EartWire ::
:: Fair Trade Towns ::
:: FAO ::

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Municipalities Adhering


July - 2024
